Aprendendo o Inglês - Do or Make? - Graduação Inteligente


domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

Aprendendo o Inglês - Do or Make?

Aprendendo o Inglês - Do or Make?

Aprendendo o Inglês - Do or Make?

Apesar de os verbos make e do possuírem o mesmo significado, fazer, existem alguns critérios para diferenciar seus usos:

1- to make: usa-se esse verbo toda vez que se pretende dizer que alguém construiu, criou ou preparou alguma coisa.


She is making a cake. (Ela está fazendo (preparando) um bolo).
He is making a bench. (Ele está fazendo (construindo) um banco).
Mary is making a new dish at the restaurant. She is an excellent cook. (Mary está fazendo (criando) um novo prato no restaurante. Ela é uma excelente cozinheira).

2- to do: usa-se esse verbo toda vez que se pretende dizer que alguém está envolvido em alguma atividade, ou ainda quando essa pessoa está executando tal atividade.


They are doing the homework. (Eles estão fazendo o dever de casa).
We are doing some exercises. (Nós estamos fazendo alguns exercícios).
He is doing a good work on the company. (Ele está fazendo um bom trabalho na empresa).


1. I can do 200 kilometres an hour with my Corvette.

2. She often makes chocolate cakes.

3. Let's go, we have a lot of work to do .

4. It doesn't make any difference.

5. You don't have to do the dishes, I have got a dish washer.

6. Don't do anything until I call you.

7. She does her homework every night.

8. We have to do only three miles a day.

9. She never makes mistakes.

10. I'm sure you can do your best.

Choose either do or make in the correct form.

11. Have you made all the arrangements yet?

12. We normally do the shopping on Saturdays.

13. We are making plans for our wedding.

14. Who's going to make dinner? Paula or Julia?

15.Did the English football fans do any damage during the last world cup?

16.Be sure that you make the right decision.

17. He has made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.

18. Would you do me a favour?

19. The house was a disaster. They made a terrible mess.

20. Before you go out, you have to do your homework.

21. This chocolate cake is delicious. Did you really make it?

22. I made lunch, so you do the washing up. Isn't it fair?.

23. I always make my bed before breakfast.


New York is the largest city in the United States. More than eight million people live in the Big Apple. New York City is also home of the United Nations. New York city is located in the state of New York. New York City is home to two hundred and fifty museums, four hundred art galleries, and the world famous Broadway for entertainment.

New York City is the business capital of the world and many national and international corporations have their headquarters in New York City. Wall Street, the world's leading center of finance and the home of the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

As far as professional sports go, this city has two of everything. Two professional baseball, basketball, hockey, and football teams are located in the city.


1. New York is the largest _______________ in the United States.

a. city
b. country
c. County
d. school

Resposta Correta: a. city

2. New York is home to more than _______ million people.

a. eight
b. two
c. five
d. ten

Resposta Correta: a. eight

3. Which of the following is a true statement?

a. New York has a large number of art galleries.
b. New York is a small city.
c. New York has little impact on the world's economy.
d. None of the statements is true.

Resposta Correta: a. New York has a large number of art galleries.

4. How many stock exchanges reside in New York?

a. two
b. one
c. three
d. none

Resposta Correta: a. two

5. Taking the rules above into account, choose the correct option.

Escolha uma:
a. Hurry up and do the dishes. Correto
b. She is doing progress with her English.
c. We need to do an effort to support the poor families.
d. How should I make my hair?
e. Make yourself a favour and cut your credit cards in half.

Resposta Correta: Hurry up and do the dishes. Correto

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