Aprendendo Inglês - Orações Condicionais - Graduação Inteligente


segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018

Aprendendo Inglês - Orações Condicionais

Aprendendo Inglês - Orações Condicionais

Aprendendo Inglês - Orações Condicionais

As orações condicionais (if clauses) indicam uma condição para um fato acontecer. Essa condição pode ser presente, passada ou futura. Assim, teremos uma oração principal (main clause) e uma oração dependente — no caso, oração subordinada condicional (conditional clause).

Uma frase condicional é formada por duas orações:
a. A oração condicional (que exprime a condição), introduzida por if ou when;
b. A oração principal (main clause), que menciona a consequência.


→ A oração condicional pode vir antes ou depois da oração principal.
É necessário usar vírgula quando iniciar a frase: 
If he studies, he will pass. (Se ele estudar, ele passará.)

→ If e when podem ser usados um no lugar do outro quando significam “sempre que”/”toda vez que”:
If / When you heat ice, it turns to water.
(Se / Quando você esquenta gelo, ele vira água.)

→Quando a condição significar “caso”, usa-se if:
If it rains today, I’ll stay at home.
(Se chover / Caso chova hoje, ficarei em casa.)

If I see John, I’ll give the message.
(Se eu vir / Caso eu veja o John, lhe darei o recado.)

When I see John, I’ll show him this letter.
(Quando eu vir o John, lhe mostrarei a carta.)


If clause
If you study hard,
Main clause
you will pass the test.

Main clause
You will pass the test
If clause
if you study hard.

Choose the correct form of each verb in brackets.

1. If you don't study, you will fail the test.

2. We will die, if we don't get help soon!

3. If you look in the fridge, you will find some cold drinks.

4. If there isn't oil in the engine, the car will break down.

5. I will lend you my umbrella if you need it.

6. The sea level will rise if the planet gets hotter.

7. If you eat your sandwiches now, you won't have anything for lunch!

8. You won't be safe in an accident if you don't wear your seatbelt.

9. If he saves money, he will be able to go on holiday to Canada.

10. I won't come with you if you don't bring John!

11. If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you won't get so much weight!

12. If a cow gets into your garden, it will eat all your plants.

13. If you eat an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.

14. If we don't protect the tiger, it will become extinct.

15. You will get heart disease if you don't stop eating too much meat.

16. You won't pass the course if you don't study.

17. You will be able to see better if you turn on the lamp.

18. She will look completely different if she cuts her hair.

19. You'll pay higher insurance if you buy a sports car.

20. If I cook some eggs, how many will you eat?


A: Good morning! Can I help you?
B: Good morning! I want to book a flight from London to Paris.
A: Yes sir. When would you like to travel?
B: Is there a flight on Wednesday evening?
A: Could you wait a minute while I check availability?
B: Yes, sure.
A: Thank you sir. Well, there is a flight leaving at half past eight next Wednesday, is it all right for you?
B: Yes, that's fine!
A: There are no restrictions on this ticket. Can you give me your contact address?
B: Of course! It's the Grand Hotel and the number is 7117899.
A: Fine. Would you please check in one hour before departure? Here is your ticket, have a good flight!
B: Thank you very much. Goodbye!.

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