Atividade 1 - Inglês - Graduação Inteligente


quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2020

Atividade 1 - Inglês

Atividade 1 - Inglês
Atividade 1 - Inglês

1. ______________________ a lot of competition between nations for new customers in today's globalized world nowadays.

Escolha a alternativa que completa a oração

Escolha uma:
a. There are
b. Has
c. Have
d. There were
e. There is

2. A trip to Europe 
Paul and Laura are checking the details of their next trip to Europe.
They ___________________________ (to travel) to Paris next week.

Escolha a alternativa que completa a lacuna:

Escolha uma:
a. travelled
b. travel
c. is going to travel
d. are going to travel
e. will travel

3. This box is _________________ (heavy) than the pack that Mary is carrying.

Escolha a alternativa que completa a lacuna:

Escolha uma:
a. heaviest
b. more heavy
c. heavier
d. heavyer
e. the most heavy

4. Bohemian Rhapsody is a very ____________________ film. I am really ________________ in going out to the cinema to see it.

Escolha a alternativa que completa as lacunas do texto :

Escolha uma:
a. interesting - interesting
b. interest - interesting
c. interested - interesting
d. interested - interested
e. interesting - interested

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