Aprendendo Inglês - Diálogos e Exercicíos - Graduação Inteligente


sábado, 8 de setembro de 2018

Aprendendo Inglês - Diálogos e Exercicíos

Learning English - Dialogues and Exercises


Waiter: Excuse me. Can I help you?
John: Yes, please. I would like to see the menu.
Waiter: Sure. Here it is. Would you like a starter?
John: Well, yes. I’d like the soup of the day.
Waiter: OK, and what would you like for a main course?
John: I’d like a cheeseburger with French fries and a salad.
Waiter: Perfect. Would you like anything to drink?
John: Yes, I’d like a coke.

After John has his lunch.

Waiter: Would you like something else? Would you like a dessert?
John: Oh! Yes, please. I’d like a piece of cheesecake.
Waiter: Would you like a cup of coffee?
John: No, thank you. Just the bill.
Waiter: Certainly.
John: How much is the lunch?
Waiter: That’s $20,50.
John: Here you are, $25,00. Please, keep the change.
Waiter: Thank you very much. Have a good day.
John: You’re welcome. The same to you.

MARTINS, T. H. B.; RAMOS, S. T., M.; TOME, L. Língua Inglesa – Módulo III – Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial (Processos Gerenciais). 2011. (Desenvolvimento de material didático/ instrucional – Ensino a Distância).

Considering the text above, analyze the following statements.

I. John would like to have a cheeseburger with chips and a salad for lunch.
II. He doesn’t tip the waiter.
III. The words “starter”, “main course” and “dessert” are referring to the parts of a menu.
IV. John has a cup of coffee.

It is correct what is stated in:

Escolha uma:
a. III, only.
b. I and II, only.
c. III and IV, only.
d. I and III, only. Correto
e. I, II and IV, only.

Title: _____________________________________

— Can I see your ticket and passport, please?
— Here they are.
— You’re in seat 17B.
— Thanks. Where do we go next?
— Go to Gate C8, straight ahead then turn left.

MARTINS, T. H. B.; RAMOS, S. T., M.; TOME, L. Língua Inglesa – Módulo III – Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial (Processos Gerenciais). 2011. (Desenvolvimento de material didático/ instrucional – Ensino a Distância). Adaptado.

Considering the topic “At the airport”, choose the correct title for the dialogue above.
Escolha uma:
a. On the Airplane
b. Getting through Customs
c. Getting your Luggage
d. Buying a Ticket
e. Checking In Correto

Do x Make

Do and Make are two of the most common verbs in English. They are also two of the most commonly confused verbs in English! There are two main reasons for this:
→ Many languages have only one of these verbs. For example, in Italian fare translates for both do and make.
→ Many of the expressions are fixed expressions such as: make the bed, do homework.

General Rules for Do

Use do

when speaking about vague, or indefinite activities. These include speaking in general using -thing words such as something, anything, nothing, etc;
for activities. This includes any chores or daily tasks.

General Rules for Make

Generally, use make when actually constructing or creating something (in other words, not for activities).


MARTINS, T. H. B.; RAMOS, S. T., M.; TOME, L. Língua Inglesa – Módulo III – Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial (Processos Gerenciais). 2011. (Desenvolvimento de material didático/ instrucional – Ensino a Distância). Adaptado.

Taking the rules above into account, choose the correct option.

Escolha uma:
a. Hurry up and do the dishes. Correto
b. She is doing progress with her English.
c. We need to do an effort to support the poor families.
d. How should I make my hair?
e. Make yourself a favour and cut your credit cards in half.

Had better

We use “had better” plus the infinitive without “to” to give advice. Although “had” is the past form of “have”, we use “had better” to give advice about the present or future.

Examples: You’d better buy the blue sweater.
He’d better arrive earlier at the office.

The negative form is “had better not”.
Example: You had better not go to the party.

However, when we use “had better” there is a suggestion that if the advice is not followed, something bad will happen.

MARTINS, T. H. B.; RAMOS, S. T., M.; TOME, L. Língua Inglesa – Módulo III – Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial (Processos Gerenciais). 2011. (Desenvolvimento de material didático/ instrucional – Ensino a Distância).

Analyze the following sentences with “had better”.

I. I'd better study more or else I’ll pass the exams.
II. You’d better not tell her about the broken glass – she will go crazy.
III. We'd better get to the airport by ten or else we may miss the flight.
IV. He'd better get back to work or else he will get into trouble.

The suggestion that something bad will happen if the advice is not followed is present in:

Escolha uma:
a, I and IV, only.
b. III and IV, only.
c. I and II, only.
d. I, III and IV, only.
e. II, III and IV, only. Correto

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